Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 139, Belgrade, Serbia +381 11 3391258, +381 65 3391258, +381 65 8597090


Liposuction is the surgical treatment of removing excess fat, which ensures a leaner body shape. As people gain and lose weight over their lifetime, there is a possibility in certain parts of the body to develop deposits of unwanted fat, which is in most cases difficult to release in natural way (with diet and exercising). Liposuction is a method that offers the most efficient solution for these accumulated fats.
Generally, this intervention can be performed in people of all ages, but the best results is accomplished with people of the younger age, because their skin still has not lose the necessary elasticity.
If you’re wondering whether you are a good candidate for this intervention, it is important to have realistic expectations about what the procedure can do in order to change your appearance. In most cases, good candidates for liposuction are people who have localized fat in the following areas:

  • face and neck
  • upper arm
  • breast and the area around them
  • back
  • belly and waist
  • hips and buttocks
  • inner thigh
  • the inside of the knee and the ankles

Please note that liposuction is not a way of losing excess body weight, nor is it effective in the treatment of cellulite, but certainly aims to reduce fatty deposits that can not be removed by diet or exercise. The best liposuction results are achieved in combination with proper diet and exercise.